Non-Academic Misconduct

San Antonio 大学 is committed to fostering an environment of thoughtful study and discourse. 学生行为准则适用于非学术不端行为和涉及学术诚信的行为.  所有学生都有义务了解《澳门新葡京博彩》的内容和规定.

The Student Code of Conduct disciplinary process is not intended to punish students, but rather to protect and foster the learning environment, to protect interest of the Alamo 大学 区's community, and to challenge those whose behavior is not in accordance with the code. When warranted, based on a preponderance of the evidence obtained in an investigation of a violation, 施加纪律制裁,可能包括对个人发展各方面的改进规定的期望, academic success, 礼貌, and other measures of relevant success.  制裁的目的是挑战学生的道德和伦理决策,并帮助他们使他们的行为符合我们的社会期望. 《澳门新葡京博彩》纪律处分程序不是刑事或民事法庭程序,而是内部行政程序.

Non-Academic Misconduct Process
  1. Initial Report is filed via Online Form.

  2. Student Conduct Officer will contact complainant for more information.

  3. 学生操守主任将发出传票,通知被申请人的行为和违规行为, and provide the student an opportunity to respond to or dispute the allegation(s).

  4. After the investigation, Student Conduct Officer will recommend to A) dismiss the complaint/reported allegations as unfounded based on a preponderance of the evidence; or B) proceed with disciplinary action because the allegations in the complaint or report are determined to be true based on the preponderance of the evidence.
  5. 在确定该学生负有责任并实施制裁后的五个工作日内, 学生行为官将致函被投诉的学生,书面通知该学生对某些违规行为负有责任,并通知该学生将受到制裁.
Appeal Process

Appeal Process

A student has the right to appeal the Findings of Responsible, the sanctions imposed, 或两个.

Appeal of Findings and Sanctions not involving Suspension or Expulsion:

  1. A student may appeal the findings of responsibility, the sanctions imposed, 或两个. 学生必须在收到责任和制裁结果通知函之日起五个工作日内向学生成功副校长或指定人员提交不涉及停学或开除的调查结果和制裁的书面上诉.

  2. The written request for appeal should state whether the student is appealing the findings, the sanctions imposed, 或两个, and the grounds for the appeal. 仅仅对调查结果和(或)制裁不满意并不足以提起上诉程序. 学生成功副总裁或指定人员应在五个工作日内通过电子邮件以书面形式向学生确认收到申诉.

  3. 负责学生成功的副校长或其指定人员将向学生发送书面申诉会议通知.

  4. 负责学生成功的副校长或其指定人员和提交申诉的学生将审查所有证人和证据.  

  5. 学生成功副总裁或其指定人员将在五个工作日内结束会议并作出决定. The decision will be final.

Appeal of Findings and Sanctions involving Suspension or Expulsion:

  1. A student may appeal the findings of responsibility, the sanctions imposed, 或两个. A student is entitled to a hearing before a Disciplinary Hearing Committee. 学生可以在收到责任和处罚的通知函之日起五个工作日内向学生成功副校长或指定人员提交关于调查结果和处罚的书面申诉.

  2. The written request for appeal should state whether the student is appealing the findings, the sanctions imposed, 或两个, and the grounds for the appeal. 仅仅对调查结果和(或)制裁不满意并不足以提起上诉程序. 学生成功副总裁或指定人员应在五个工作日内通过电子邮件向学生确认收到申诉.

  3. The Vice President of Student Success shall report the request for an appeal to the 大学 President. The Disciplinary Hearing Committee shall consist of five individuals: two students, one full-time faculty member, one staff member, and one administrative officer (chair).

  4. 纪律听证委员会主席将在五个工作日内通过电子邮件向学生发送书面听证通知.

  5. 纪律听证委员会和提交申诉的学生将审查任何证人和证据.

  6. 1. In rendering a decision, the Disciplinary Hearing Committee may affirm the decision of the Student Conduct Officer as to findings and/or sanctions; amend or modify the decision; dismiss the decision and the charge(s); suspend the decision and send the matter back for further investigation by the Student Conduct Officer; or recommend new sanction(s) based on significant new evidence presented at the appeal hearing or new violations dis关闭d in the hearing. The Disciplinary Hearing Committee will render a decision within five business days. The decision will be final.

Non-Academic Misconduct Policy: F.4.2 (Policy) Student Code of Conduct – Non-Academic Misconduct 

Non-Academic Misconduct Procedure: F.4.2.2 (Procedure) Non-Academic Disciplinary and Appeal Process

Non-Academic Misconduct Incident Report Form

Non-Academic Misconduct FAQs